
«The Cradle of the Moon»


«The Cradle of the Moon»

Article: 91361011G
18k white and yellow gold
697 diamonds — 8,95 ct
1015 emeralds — 8,51 ct
1 sapphire - 0,25 ct
Opal, aquamarine, lapis lazuli, black jasper, carnelian, sperm whale bone
Hot jewelry enamel

This fairy-tale statuette symbolizes tranquility, stability, and permanence. There is no hint of haste or unease in it. Everything has its time, its hour. Just as the moon rises in the sky every night, and winter inevitably gives way to spring. Everything is cyclical, yet everything is constant. The golden clock marks the time when the moon will take over from the sun. The very shape of the statuette resembles an hourglass, and if you were to turn it upside down, you would see the sun setting against a lapis lazuli sky.